Geometry Lesson Plan 10/24-10/28


Students will receive an entry assignment covering writing proofs of parallel lines. Once students have completed the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together as a class. Next, we will begin Ch.3.4 Proofs with Perpendicular Lines. Today’s objective is for students to be able to find the distance from a point to a line using the distance formula, construct a perpendicular bisector, & write a proof based on perpendicular lines. Students will receive a exit ticket assignment that will be due by the end of class.

TEKS: g.2.b, g.5.b, g.5.c, g.6.a


Students will receive an entry assignment covering writing proofs with perpendicular lines. Once students have completed the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together as a class. Next, we will continue with Ch.3.4 Proofs with Perpendicular Lines. Today’s objective is to further enrich Proof with Perpendicular Lines by working examples together with the class & have students apply the linear pair perpendicular, perpendicular transversal, & lines perpendicular to a transversal theorem to writing proofs & solving angle measures.

*HW Assignment ISSUED: Ch.3.4 Pg.153-154 #3, 4, 15-20, 27

TEKS: g.2.b, g.5.b, g.5.c, g.6.a


Students will receive an entry assignment covering writing proofs with perpendicular lines. Once students have completed the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together as a class. Next, we will begin Ch.3.5 Slopes of Lines. Today’s objective is for students to be able to find slope using the slope formula, as well as identifying slope of parallel & perpendicular lines. Students will receive a HW Assignment covering Ch.3.5 that will be due Friday of this week.

*HW Assignment ISSUED: Ch.3.5 Pg.159 #7-10, 17-22

TEKS: g.2.a, g.2.b


*HW Assignment DUE: Ch.3.4 Pg.153-154 #3, 4, 15-20, 27

Students will receive an entry assignment covering finding slopes of lines. Once students have completed the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together in class. Next, we will begin Ch.3.6 Equations of Parallel & Perpendicular Lines. Today’s objective is for students to be able to write equations for parallel lines. Students will receive an exit ticket assessment covering writing equations for parallel lines that will be due at the end of the class period.

TEKS: g.2.b, g.2.c


*HW Assignment DUE: Ch.3.5 Pg.159 #7-10, 17-22

Students will receive an entry assignment covering writing equations of parallel lines. Once students have completed the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together in class. Next, we will continue & finish Ch.3.6 Parallel & Perpendicular Lines. Today’s objective is for students to be able to write equations for perpendicular lines. Students will receive a HW Assignment that will be due Tuesday of next week.

*HW Assignment ISSUED: Ch.3.6 Pg.165 #3-14

TEKS: g.2.b, g.2.c

Algebra I 10/24-10/28


Benchmark testing covering solving equations & inequalities.



Students will receive an entry assignment covering solving equations in preparation for Ch.4.1 Writing Equations in Slope-Intercept Form. Once students have completed the entry assignment, we will then go over each of the questions together as a class. Next, we will begin Ch.4.1 Writing Equations in Slope-Intercept Form. Today’s objective is for students to be able to write a slope-intercept for equation based on a graph. Students will receive an exit ticket assessment that will due at the end of the class period.

TEKS: a.2.b, a.2.c, a.3.a


Students will receive an entry assignment covering writing equations in slope-intercept form based on a graph. Once students have completed the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together in class. Next, we will continue & finished up Ch.4.1 Writing Slope-Intercept Form Equations. Today’s objective is for students to be able to to write a slope-intercept form equation using two points. Students will receive a HW Assignment covering Ch.4.1 that will be due Friday of this week.

*HW Assignment ISSUED: Ch.4.1 Pg.165 #5-16

TEKS: a.2.b, a.2.c, a.3.a


Students will receive an entry assignment covering writing equations in slope-intercept form using two points. Once students have finished the entry assignment, we will then go over each of the questions together in class. Next, we will begin Ch.4.2 writing equations in point-slope form. Today’s objective is for students to be able to writing equations in point-slope form using slope & a point. Students will receive an exit ticket assessment that will be due at the end of the class period.

TEKS: a.2.b, a.2.c, a.3.a


*HW Assignment DUE: Ch.4.1 Pg.165 #5-16

Students will receive an entry assignment covering writing equations in point-slope form using slope & a point. Once students have completed the entry assignment, we will then go over each of the questions together in class. Next, we will continue & finish up Ch.4.2 Point-Slope Form Equations. Today’s objective is for students to be able to write a point-slope form equation using two points. Students will receive a HW Assignment covering Ch.4.2 that will be due Tuesday of next week.

*HW Assignment ISSUED: Ch.4.2 Pg.171 #3, 4, 13-22

TEKS: a.2.b, a.2.c, a.3.a

Geometry Lesson Plan 10/17-10/21


Students will receive an entry assignment covering identifying pairs of lines & angles. Once students have completed the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together as a class. Next, we will review parallel lines & transversals together. Today’s objective is to enrich writing conjectures using properties of parallel lines. Students will receive an exit ticket assessment covering writing conjectures using properties of parallel lines that will be due at the end of class.

TEKS: g.5.a, g.4.c


Students will receive an entry assignment covering solving angle measures using properties of parallel lines. Once students have completed the entry assignment we will go over each of the questions together in class. Next, we will review writing proofs with parallel lines together. Today’s objective is to enrich writing proofs with parallel lines using converses of different pairs of angles. Students will receive an exit ticket assessment covering writing proofs using converses of different angle pairs that will be due at the end of class.

TEKS: g.65.b, g.5.c, g.6.a


Students will receive a Ch.3.1-3.3 test review in preparation of a test Thursday of this week. The test will cover identifying pairs of angles, parallel lines & transversals, & proofs with parallel lines. Students will have the class period to complete the review & turn it in by the end of class.

TEKS: g.5.a, g.4.c, g.65.b, g.5.c, g.6.a


Students will take Ch.3.1-3.3 test that will cover identifying pairs of angles, parallel lines & transversals, & proofs with parallel lines. Today’s objective is to assess student’s level of mastery of the content covered in the Ch.3.1-3.3.

TEKS: g.5.a, g.4.c, g.65.b, g.5.c, g.6.a


Teacher inservice day.

Algebra I Lesson Plan 10/17-10/21


Students will get out Ch.3.4-3.6 Test Review; we will go over each of the questions together in class in preparation for the Ch. test that will be Tuesday of this week. Today’s objective is to review Standard Form Equations, Slope-Intercept Form Equations & Modeling Direct Variation.

TEKS: a.2.a, a.3.a, a.3.b, a.3.c, a.2.d


Students will be taking Ch.3.4-3.6 test covering Standard Form Equations, Slope-Intercept Form Equations, & Modeling Direct Variation. Today’s objective is to assess students level of mastery of graphing equations, determining direct variation, & finding slope.

TEKS: a.2.a, a.3.a, a.3.b, a.3.c, a.2.d


Students will be given an entry assignment covering graphing & finding slope of slope-intercept form equations. Once students have completed the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together in class. Next, we will begin Ch.4.1 Writing Equations in Slope-Intercept Form. Today’s objective if for students to be able to write slope-intercept form equations based on a graph. Students will receive an exit ticket assessment covering writing equations in slope-intercept form based on a graph that will be due at the end of class.

TEKS: a.2.b, a.2.c, a.3.a


Students will receive an entry assignment covering writing equations in slope-intercept form based on a graph. Once all students have completed the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together as a class. Next, we will complete Ch.4.1 Writing Slope-Intercept Form Equations. Today’s objective is for students to be able to write slope-intercept form equations based on two ordered pairs. Students will receive a HW Assignment covering Ch.4.1 Writing Slope-Intercept Form Equations that will be due Tuesday of next week.

*HW Assignment ISSUED: Pg.165 #7-14, 19-22

TEKS: a.2.b, a.2.c, a.3.a


Teacher inservice day.

Geometry Lesson Plan 10/10-10/14


Students will receive an entry assignment covering parallel & perpendicular lines. Once students have completed the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together as a class. Next, we will begin Ch.3.1 Pairs of Lines & Angles. Today’s objective is for students to be able to determine parallel & perpendicular lines, as well as angles formed by transversals. Students will receive a HW Assignments covering Ch.3.1 that will be due Wednesday of this week.

*HW Assignment ISSUED: Ch.3.1 Pg.129 #3-18

TEKS: preparing for g.5.a


Students will receive an entry assignment covering identifying angles formed by transversals. Once students have completed the entry assignment, we will then go over each of the questions together as a class. Next, we will begin Ch.3.2 Parallel Lines & Transversals. Today’s objective is for students to understand the definitions & application for the corresponding, alternate interior, alternate exterior & consecutive interior angles theorems. Students will receive a HW Assignment covering Ch.3.2 that will be due Thursday of this week.

*HW Assignment ISSUED: Ch.3.2 Pg.135 #3-12

TEKS: g.5.a, g.6.a


*HW Assignment DUE: Ch.3.1 Pg.129 #3-18

Students will turn in the Ch.3.1 HW Assignment & receive an entry assignment covering corresponding, alternate interior, alternate exterior & consecutive angles theorems. Once students have completed the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together as a class. Next, we will begin Ch.3.3 Proofs with Parallel Lines. Today’s objective is for students to be able to understand the definitions & application for the converse of alternate interior, alternate exterior & consecutive interior angles. Students will receive an exit ticket assessment covering alternate interior, alternate exterior & consecutive angles converse that will be due at the end of the class period.

TEKS: g.65.b, g.5.c, g.6.a

*HW Assignment DUE: Ch.3.2 Pg.135 #3-12

Students will turn in the Ch.3.2 HW Assignment & receive an entry assignment covering alternate interior, alternate exterior & consecutive angles converse. Once finished with the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together as a class. Next, we will finish up Ch.3.3 Proofs with Parallel Lines. Today’s objective is for students to how to use the converse of alternate interior, alternate exterior & consecutive interior angles, as well as the transitive property of parallel lines. Students will receive a HW Assignment covering Ch.3.3 that will be due Tuesday of next week.

*HW Assignment ISSUED: Ch.3.3 Pg.142-143 #3-8, 21-24

TEKS: g.65.b, g.5.c, g.6.a


Students will receive Ch.3.1-3.3 test review is preparation for the test that will be Monday. Ch.3.1-3.3 test will cover Pairs of Lines & Angles, Parallel Lines & Transversals & Proofs with Parallel Lines.

TEKS: g.5.a, g.65.a, g.5.c, g.6.a

Algebra I Lesson Plan 10/10-10/14


Students will receive an entry assignment covering graphing standard form equations. Once finished with the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together as a class. Next, we will begin Ch.3.5 Graphing Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept Form. Today’s objective is for students to be able to write a conjecture based on slope-intercept form equations & calculate slope using the slope formula. Students will receive an exit ticket assessment covering identifying each part of a slope-intercept form equation & finding slope using the slope formula that will be due at the end of class.

TEKS: a.2.a, a.3.a, a.3.b, a.3.c


Students will receive an entry assignment covering identifying parts of a slope-intercept form equation & finding slope using the slope formula. Once finished with the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together as a class. Next, we will finish up Ch.3.5 Graphing Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept Form. Today’s objective is for students to be able to graph & write slope-intercept form equations. Students will receive a HW Assignment covering Ch.3.5 that will be due Thursday of this week.

*HW Assignment ISSUED: Ch.3.5 Pg.129-130 #5-9, 12, 15-18, 25-28

TEKS: a.2.a, a.3.a, a.3.b, a.3.c


Upon entering the classroom, students will receive an entry assignment covering graphing standard & slope-intercept form equations. Once finished, we will go over each of the equations together in class. Next, we will begin Ch.3.6 Direct Variation. Today’s objective is for students to be able to determine whether or not a function has direct variation & identify the constant of variation. Student’s will receive a HW Assignment covering Ch.3.6 direct variation that will be due Friday of this week.

*HW Assignment ISSUED: Ch.3.6 Pg.137 #3-10, 13-16

TEKS: a.2.d


*HW Assignment DUE: Ch.3.5 Pg.129-130 #5-9, 12, 15-18, 25-28

Students will turn in Ch.3.5 HW Assignment upon entering the classroom. Once the HW Assignment has been handed in, students will being working on the entry assignment that will cover graphing standard & slope-intercept form equations, as well as determining direct variation. When all students have completed the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together as a class. Next, students will receive Ch.3.4-3.6 test review in preparation for the test on Friday (tomorrow) that will cover graphing standard & slope-intercept form equations, as well as determining direct variation.

TEKS: a.2.d


*HW Assignment DUE: Ch.3.6 Pg.137 #3-10, 13-16

Students will be taking Ch.3.4-3.6 test that will cover graphing standard for equations, slope-intercept form equations, & determining direct variation.

TEKS: a.2.a, a.2.d, a.3.a, a.3.b, a.3.c

Geometry Lesson Plan 10/3-10/7


Upon entering the classroom, students will receive an entry assignment covering definitions of proofs & postulates in proving geometric relationships. Once students have completed the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together in class. Next, we will finish up Ch.2.6 Proving Geometric Relationships. Today’s objective to to take all the theorems & postulates learned from last week & apply to application type problems in terms of finding & describing angle measures. Students will receive a HW Assignment covering Ch.2.6 that will be due Wednesday of this week.

*HW Assignment ISSUED: Ch.2.6 Pg.111 #3-14

TEKS: g.6.a


Students will receive an entry assignment covering Ch.2.6 Proving Geometric Relationships. Once students have finished the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together in class. Next, students will receive Ch.2.4-2.6 test review covering Algebraic Reasoning, Proving Statements about Segments & Angles, & Proving Geometric Relationships. The test review will be due tomorrow at the beginning of class. Today’s objective is to reinforce Ch.2.4-2.6 in preparation for Ch.2.4-2.6 test.

TEKS: g.6.a, preparing for g.6.a, g.6.b, g.6.d, g.6.e


*HW Assignment DUE: Ch.2.6 Pg.111 #3-14

Students will be taking the Ch.2.4-2.6 test today covering algebraic reasoning, proving statements about segments & angles, & proving geometric relationships. Today’s objective is to assess student’s knowledge of Ch.2.4-2.6.HE

TEKS: g.6.a, preparing for g.6.a, g.6.b, g.6.d, g.6.e


Upon entering the classroom, students will receive a foldable for their interactive student notebook covering parallel & perpendicular lines. Once students have completed the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together in class. Next, we will begin Ch.3.1 Pairs of Lines & Angles. Today’s objective is for students to be able to identify parallel, perpendicular, & skew lines, as well as corresponding, alternate interior, alternate exterior, & consecutive interior angles. Students will receive a HW Assignment covering Ch.3.1 Pairs of Lines & Angles that will be due next week on Tuesday.

*HW Assignment ISSUED: Ch.3.1 Pg.129 # 3-18

TEKS: preparing for g.5.a


Upon entering the classroom, students will receive an entry assignment covering identifying parallel, perpendicular, & skew lines, as well as corresponding, alternate interior, alternate exterior, & consecutive interior angles. Once finished with the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together as a class. Next, we will begin Ch.3.2 Parallel Lines & Transversals. Today’s objective is for students to understand the corresponding, alternate interior, alternate exterior, & consecutive interior angles theorem. Students will be receive Ch.3.2 HW Assignment that will be due next week on Tuesday.

*HW Assignment ISSUED: Ch.3.2 Pg.135 #3-12

TEKS: g.5.a, g.6.a

Algebra I Lesson Plan 10/3-10/7


Students will receive Ch.3.1-3.3 test review that will cover Functions, Linear Functions, & Function Notation upon entering the classroom. Students will be required to work on the Ch.3.1-3.3 test review during the class period till finished. Once finished, students will be able to to work on any HW Assignments; Ch.3.1-3.3 test will be tomorrow (Tuesday).

TEKS: a.12.a, a.2.a, a.3.c, a.12.b


*HW Assignment DUE: Ch.3.3 Pg.111 #3-7, 13-17

Students will be taking Ch.3.1-3.3 test today. Ch.3.1-3.3 test will cover functions, linear functions, & function notation.

TEKS: a.12.a, a.2.a, a.2.c, a.12.b


Upon entering the classroom, students will receive a entry assignment covering identifying x- & y-intercepts. Once finished with the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together in class. Next, we will begin Ch.3.4 Graphing Linear Equations in Standard Form. Today’s objective is for students to understand how to graph horizontal & vertical lines, as well as how to find the zero’s of a function. Students will receive an exit ticket assessment covering graphing horizontal & vertical line, & finding zero’s of a function.

TEKS: a.3.c


Upon entering the classroom, students will receive an entry assignment covering graphing linear functions in standard form. Once students have completed the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together in class. Next, we will continue & finish Ch.3.4 graphing linear equations in standard form. Today’s objective is to reinforce graphing linear equations in standard form. Students will receive a HW Assignment covering Ch.3.4 that will be due Tuesday of next week.

*HW Assignment ISSUED: Ch.3.4 Pg.120 # 3, 4, 9, 10, 13-16, 19-22

TEKS: a.3.c


Upon entering the classroom, students will receive an entry assignment covering graphing linear functions in standard form. Once students have finished the entry assignment, we will go over each of the questions together in class. Next, we will begin Ch.3.5 Graphing Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept Form. Today’s objective is for students to be able to write a conjecture to describe Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept Form, as well use the slope formula to find slope. Students will receive an exit ticket assessment covering writing conjecture to describe linear equations in slope-intercept form & finding slope using the slope formula.

TEKS: a.2.a, a.3.a, a.3.b, a.3.c